- control.bode_plot(data, omega=None, *fmt, ax=None, omega_limits=None, omega_num=None, plot=None, plot_magnitude=True, plot_phase=None, overlay_outputs=None, overlay_inputs=None, phase_label=None, magnitude_label=None, label=None, display_margins=None, margins_method='best', title=None, sharex=None, sharey=None, **kwargs)[source]
Bode plot for a system.
Plot the magnitude and phase of the frequency response over a (optional) frequency range.
- Parameters
- datalist of
List of LTI systems or
objects. A single system or frequency response can also be passed.- omegaarray_like, optional
Set of frequencies in rad/sec to plot over. If not specified, this will be determined from the properties of the systems. Ignored if
is not a list of systems.- *fmt
format string, optional Passed to
as the format string for all lines in the plot. Theomega
parameter must be present (use omega=None if needed).- dBbool
If True, plot result in dB. Default is False.
- Hzbool
If True, plot frequency in Hz (omega must be provided in rad/sec). Default value (False) set by
.- degbool
If True, plot phase in degrees (else radians). Default value (True) set by
.- display_marginsbool or str
If True, draw gain and phase margin lines on the magnitude and phase graphs and display the margins at the top of the graph. If set to ‘overlay’, the values for the gain and phase margin are placed on the graph. Setting
turns off the axes grid, unlessgrid
is explicitly set to True.- **kwargs
keyword properties, optional Additional keywords passed to
to specify line properties.
- datalist of
- Returns
- cplt
object Object containing the data that were plotted. See
for more detailed information.- cplt.linesArray of
objects Array containing information on each line in the plot. The shape of the array matches the subplots shape and the value of the array is a list of Line2D objects in that subplot.
- cplt.axes2D ndarray of
Axes for each subplot.
- cplt.figure
Figure containing the plot.
- cplt.legend2D array of
Legend object(s) contained in the plot.
- cplt
- Other Parameters
- axarray of
, optional The matplotlib axes to draw the figure on. If not specified, the axes for the current figure are used or, if there is no current figure with the correct number and shape of axes, a new figure is created. The shape of the array must match the shape of the plotted data.
- freq_label, magnitude_label, phase_labelstr, optional
Labels to use for the frequency, magnitude, and phase axes. Defaults are set by
.- gridbool, optional
If True, plot grid lines on gain and phase plots. Default is set by
.- initial_phasefloat, optional
Set the reference phase to use for the lowest frequency. If set, the initial phase of the Bode plot will be set to the value closest to the value specified. Units are in either degrees or radians, depending on the
parameter. Default is -180 if wrap_phase is False, 0 if wrap_phase is True.- labelstr or array_like of str, optional
If present, replace automatically generated label(s) with the given label(s). If sysdata is a list, strings should be specified for each system. If MIMO, strings required for each system, output, and input.
- legend_maparray of str, optional
Location of the legend for multi-axes plots. Specifies an array of legend location strings matching the shape of the subplots, with each entry being either None (for no legend) or a legend location string (see
).- legend_locint or str, optional
Include a legend in the given location. Default is ‘center right’, with no legend for a single response. Use False to suppress legend.
- margins_methodstr, optional
Method to use in computing margins (see
).- omega_limitsarray_like of two values
Set limits for plotted frequency range. If Hz=True the limits are in Hz otherwise in rad/s. Specifying
as a list of two elements is equivalent to providingomega_limits
. Ignored if data is not a list of systems.- omega_numint
Number of samples to use for the frequency range. Defaults to
. Ignored if data is not a list of systems.- overlay_inputs, overlay_outputsbool, optional
If set to True, combine input and/or output signals onto a single plot and use line colors, labels, and a legend to distinguish them.
- plotbool, optional
(legacy) If given,
returns the legacy return values of magnitude, phase, and frequency. If False, just return the values with no plot.- plot_magnitude, plot_phasebool, optional
If set to False, do not plot the magnitude or phase, respectively.
- rcParamsdict
Override the default parameters used for generating plots. Default is set by
.- share_frequency, share_magnitude, share_phasestr or bool, optional
Determine whether and how axis limits are shared between the indicated variables. Can be set set to ‘row’ to share across all subplots in a row, ‘col’ to set across all subplots in a column, or False to allow independent limits. Note: if
is given, it sets the value ofshare_frequency
; ifsharey
is given, it sets the value of bothshare_magnitude
. Default values are ‘row’ forshare_magnitude
, ‘col’, forshare_frequency
, and can be set usingconfig.defaults['freqplot.share_<axis>']
.- show_legendbool, optional
Force legend to be shown if True or hidden if False. If None, then show legend when there is more than one line on an axis or
has been specified.- titlestr, optional
Set the title of the plot. Defaults to plot type and system name(s).
- title_framestr, optional
Set the frame of reference used to center the plot title. If set to ‘axes’ (default), the horizontal position of the title will be centered relative to the axes. If set to ‘figure’, it will be centered with respect to the figure (faster execution). The default value can be set using
.- wrap_phasebool or float
If wrap_phase is False (default), then the phase will be unwrapped so that it is continuously increasing or decreasing. If wrap_phase is True the phase will be restricted to the range [-180, 180) (or [
) radians). If
is specified as a float, the phase will be offset by 360 degrees if it falls below the specified value. Default value is False and can be set usingconfig.defaults['freqplot.wrap_phase']
- axarray of
See also
Starting with python-control version 0.10,
returns aControlPlot
object instead of magnitude, phase, and frequency. To recover the old behavior, callbode_plot
= True, which will force the legacy values (mag, phase, omega) to be returned (with a warning). To obtain just the frequency response of a system (or list of systems) without plotting, use thefrequency_response
command.If a discrete-time model is given, the frequency response is plotted along the upper branch of the unit circle, using the mapping
z = exp(1j * omega * dt)
ranges from 0 to pi/dt
is the discrete timebase. If timebase not specified (dt
= True),dt
is set to 1.The default values for Bode plot configuration parameters can be reset using the
dictionary, with module name ‘bode’.Examples
>>> G =[[-1, -2], [3, -4]], [[5], [7]], [[6, 8]], [[9]]) >>> out = ct.bode_plot(G)