
class control.DescribingFunctionResponse(response, N_vals, positions, intersections)[source]

Bases: object

Results of describing function analysis.

Describing functions allow analysis of a linear I/O systems with a nonlinear feedback function. The DescribingFunctionResponse class is used by the describing_function_response function to return the results of a describing function analysis. The response object can be used to obtain information about the describing function analysis or generate a Nyquist plot showing the frequency response of the linear systems and the describing function for the nonlinear element.


Frequency response of the linear system component of the system.

intersections1D array of 2-tuples or None

A list of all amplitudes and frequencies in which H(j\omega) N(A) = -1, where N(A) is the describing function associated with F, or None if there are no such points. Each pair represents a potential limit cycle for the closed loop system with amplitude given by the first value of the tuple and frequency given by the second value.

N_valscomplex array

Complex value of the describing function, indexed by amplitude.

positionslist of complex

Location of the intersections in the complex plane.



Plot the results of a describing function analysis.


Plot the results of a describing function analysis.

See describing_function_plot for details.