
control.matlab.lqe(A, G, C, QN, RN[, NN])[source]

Linear quadratic estimator design (Kalman filter) for continuous-time systems. Given the system

x &= Ax + Bu + Gw \\
y &= Cx + Du + v

with unbiased process noise w and measurement noise v with covariances

E{ww'} = QN,    E{vv'} = RN,    E{wv'} = NN

The lqe() function computes the observer gain matrix L such that the stationary (non-time-varying) Kalman filter

x_e = A x_e + B u + L(y - C x_e - D u)

produces a state estimate x_e that minimizes the expected squared error using the sensor measurements y. The noise cross-correlation NN is set to zero when omitted.

The function can be called with either 3, 4, 5, or 6 arguments:

  • L, P, E = lqe(sys, QN, RN)

  • L, P, E = lqe(sys, QN, RN, NN)

  • L, P, E = lqe(A, G, C, QN, RN)

  • L, P, E = lqe(A, G, C, QN, RN, NN)

where sys is an LTI object, and A, G, C, QN, RN, and NN are 2D arrays or matrices of appropriate dimension.

  • A (2D array_like) – Dynamics, process noise (disturbance), and output matrices

  • G (2D array_like) – Dynamics, process noise (disturbance), and output matrices

  • C (2D array_like) – Dynamics, process noise (disturbance), and output matrices

  • sys (LTI (StateSpace or TransferFunction)) – Linear I/O system, with the process noise input taken as the system input.

  • QN (2D array_like) – Process and sensor noise covariance matrices

  • RN (2D array_like) – Process and sensor noise covariance matrices

  • NN (2D array, optional) – Cross covariance matrix. Not currently implemented.

  • method (str, optional) – Set the method used for computing the result. Current methods are ‘slycot’ and ‘scipy’. If set to None (default), try ‘slycot’ first and then ‘scipy’.


  • L (2D array (or matrix)) – Kalman estimator gain

  • P (2D array (or matrix)) – Solution to Riccati equation

    A P + P A^T - (P C^T + G N) R^{-1}  (C P + N^T G^T) + G Q G^T = 0

  • E (1D array) – Eigenvalues of estimator poles eig(A - L C)


  1. If the first argument is an LTI object, then this object will be used to define the dynamics, noise and output matrices. Furthermore, if the LTI object corresponds to a discrete time system, the dlqe() function will be called.

  2. The return type for 2D arrays depends on the default class set for state space operations. See use_numpy_matrix().


>>> L, P, E = lqe(A, G, C, QN, RN)                          
>>> L, P, E = lqe(A, G, C, Q, RN, NN)                       

See also

lqr, dlqe, dlqr