
control.matlab.bode(syslist[, omega, dB, Hz, deg, ...])

Bode plot of the frequency response

Plots a bode gain and phase diagram

  • sys (LTI, or list of LTI) – System for which the Bode response is plotted and give. Optionally a list of systems can be entered, or several systems can be specified (i.e. several parameters). The sys arguments may also be interspersed with format strings. A frequency argument (array_like) may also be added, some examples: * >>> bode(sys, w) # one system, freq vector * >>> bode(sys1, sys2, …, sysN) # several systems * >>> bode(sys1, sys2, …, sysN, w) * >>> bode(sys1, ‘plotstyle1’, …, sysN, ‘plotstyleN’) # + plot formats

  • omega (freq_range) – Range of frequencies in rad/s

  • dB (boolean) – If True, plot result in dB

  • Hz (boolean) – If True, plot frequency in Hz (omega must be provided in rad/sec)

  • deg (boolean) – If True, return phase in degrees (else radians)

  • Plot (boolean) – If True, plot magnitude and phase


>>> sys = ss("1. -2; 3. -4", "5.; 7", "6. 8", "9.")
>>> mag, phase, omega = bode(sys)


Document these use cases

  • >>> bode(sys, w)
  • >>> bode(sys1, sys2, ..., sysN)
  • >>> bode(sys1, sys2, ..., sysN, w)
  • >>> bode(sys1, 'plotstyle1', ..., sysN, 'plotstyleN')